
That feeling you get when you run

$ php tvVolUp.php

And the god damn tv’s volume goes up a level 😆

Now to clean the shit out of the chaotic mess I just made and make it work from a Rpi which I’ll then add to my voice activated list for my google home.

Coz you know voice activated TV remote in PHP 😍

  • 1
    Camelcase strikes again
  • 2
    Is it really php or do you just run lirc commands using exec()? 😁
  • 4
    @obia wrote the API in PHP which also runs other commands. (see another rant)

    Got to drop those linux commands to terminal somehow ;)

    using shell_exec, cause having only the last line rather then all output as feedback isn't always great for debuging.

    as for the TV side of things its using sockets
  • 1
    @C0D4 cool, makes sense if you have a complete API. I'm running lirc commands on a raspberry myself but put them in shell scripts for Home Assistant to execute.
  • 1
    Now just port it to the snake.
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