Now I can finally say that Linux is the best os I've ever used.
It's is just awesome. Everything can be controlled here easily. No fuss in installing and stuff. I wish I had started using this OS right from the beginning. Thank you to all the members of Linux community.
Linux community raise your hands up.

  • 2
    Have you tried i3wm? You should try i3wm/awesomewm
  • 3
    @dufferz i3wm master race
  • 0
    Another one!
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    I used Mac for my development and day to day (netflix, facebook, music, etc...) and had a Linux workstation with just some minimalistic i3 config. I recently decided (because of the stupid Mojave and F* you Apple business model) to try linux as a complete desktop and oh boy! It's not the same linux desktop I used back in KDE3 days! There's was nothing that I couldn't do and the snap and flatpak apps, WOW! spotify and telegram installed on linux with one click? What a time to be alive!
  • 1
    Linux is the fun world for all developers ✋
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