every coding tutorial ever :p
taken from https://twitter.com/ossia/status/...

  • 26
    Literally every Udemy course...

    Instructor: now that you've mastered the basics of HTML you are able to start your career as a web developer!

    Mmhmm... What about the rest?
  • 17
    int i = 3:

    "We are declaring a variable of the type integer which holds 32 bits, with the standard naming of i and are assigning 3 as it's value"

    Container c = new Container(Api.Client.Function(x, 32, "3440", Image.Color(300, false, true, Api.Stack[0]));


    Every. Fucking. Tutorial.
  • 2
    @lxmcf and that's html 😂😂
  • 3
    @Bauhaus1919 and it's feet are the face!
  • 2
    @Bauhaus1919 That is implicitly teaching students about DRY principles, reusability and polymorphism... was that not obvious from the step's description? 🤔😂
  • 1
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