It's not so much that I mind all the fire-war about best languages, editors, and other shit, it's that NO ONE PROVIDES ANY GODDAMN EVIDENCE OR ARGUMENT ABOUT WHY. Come on folks, everyone here is on the higher end of the IQ curve, FFS make an argument!!

  • 5
    *sits down glouriously, awaiting at least one unbeatable argument except "personal preference"* lol ^^
  • 3
    uh, obviously JavaScript is the best because it lets you type ducks. Everyone who disagrees is wrong!
  • 0
    I like what I like because I like it
  • 1
    I always give my reasoning for liking something but it's purely opinion and that never holds up.
  • 2
    Well, those who actually do functional programming give good compelling reasons but the rest of us have opinions that are "not even wrong".
  • 2
    Ok I'll bite for the fun of it and to watch the world burn.

    vim is the best cause its striped version vi is on every linux system by default which means if you use it for development you will be good to work on files anywhere you get access to a server.
  • 1
    @jckimble also your config is a git clone away .
  • 0
    @skonteam well my whole laptop is a git clone away cause I use puppet but yes youre right
  • 0
    It's called an opinion, therefore there is not necessarily a black and white reason..
  • 0
    Alright, everyone always argues about vim or emacs. Why not both? Personally I found spacemacs.org really good and super useful.
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