
The dinosaur I'm afraid of.
No fucking internet

  • 2
    I think this is bad too lol.

    *Not my image.
  • 1
    The dinosaur makes it less scary though!
  • 3
    @const I like the piece of screencapture soft you're using.
  • 0
    How did you post this, then? 🤔
  • 1
    @RememberMe Mobile Internet Probably :D
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    @Squarety @const naturally, but then what's wrong with using your phone's net on your PC?
  • 1
    @RememberMe I think if you use Mobile Internet on your PC, the background apps who get data from internet and auto-updating will suck out the money of your pocket after busting your mobile data plan. That's what I think.
  • 1
    @RememberMe not fast, limited data
  • 3
    @Squarety @const right, cool.
    Though I've noticed that once you tell Windows that the connection is metered it barely uses any data. At least over smallish time frames (a day, etc.). Depends on your apps, though, of course. Dunno about Linux.
  • 1
    @RememberMe Good though, Yes, probably with the metered connection set to on, it wouldn't bust the Mobile plan.
  • 3
    The dinosaur makes it cool. You can have some fun with the hidden mini-game ^^
  • 2
    Any boring class:
    F12 - change <title> to "google.com"
    write "google.com" in the omnibar
    call the teacher and say ur internet isnt working

    Works every time.
  • 1
    That's me
  • 1
    @malphas If I have changed my Provider each time I got this screen I think at this time I wouldn't have internet (We have only 2 Internet Providers in my City lol 12 months contracts without the possibility to cancel before 6 months.).

  • 0
    @malphas Here I have Telus and Cogeco. Cogeco is so shitty and Telus doesn't give a f*ck that I have a business who need the fiber to transfer 1-2tb per day at 1gb/s not f**cking 50mb/s (5mb/s Download) and all the city center have fiber and me at just a bit outside the city center still have the f**cking coax.

    ^^ I love Telus otherwise, because I can watch my local hockey team without having to pay 40$ the ticket and can watch it in 1080p and soon in 4k so yea it's just the Fiber I do want, even it's since 1 year and 6months we asked when we will get it (Before we move to the current location I had the Fiber with a 250mb/s upload download) and they said 6 months max.. Yea it's more 3x6 months heh... hahaha
  • 2
    @const quick press the space bar!
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    @MrEvilCooki3 #FirefoxDeveloperEdition
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