People ask me why I don't use Windows 10 anymore.


*(Yes I can opt out of all that but how many average users do a fresh install of Windows?)

  • 15
    Who are "people?"

    Because I know most tech people know why you don't use Win10.

    You guys make sure to tell us allll about why you use linux. A lot.
  • 5
    @Stuxnet I think a lot of people in this community can safely say they're at least moderately concerned about the trend of eroding privacy in general. It's not a fight I believe that's going to be winnable beyond government action, but I at least try to do what I can.
  • 3
    I can't leave windows. Far too used to visual studio and powershell and office and...
  • 1
    I've got an antegros dualboot tho 😂
  • 6
    i see an anime pic and i3, i upvote
  • 1
    I started with Ubuntu, switched to Lubuntu, then to Manjaro. Now finally I've moved to Antergos. Loving it 🕺 Not planning on switching any soon x)
  • 1
    @Stuxnet Just realized I didn't answer your main question.

    By "people" I mean friends, family, people outside of this community. They think I'm way to paranoid about privacy rights. :P
  • 5
    By "average users", do you mean the same ones posting their entire lives on Facebook and other social media? Yeah those people really care about stuff like this...
  • 1
    VS Code and Powershell are on Linux and Office can be run through Crossover Office. If those are the only things keeping you back, there are options.
  • 0
    @RiderExMachina VS Code doesn't even come remotely close to VS lol
  • 1
    @Condor Pretty interesting stuff. The VM is for work purposes to connect to their private VPN and they only provide windows tools for it, so hopefully this shouldn't create a conflict in the network.
  • 2
    *sees yet another flashback from before account deletion*
    What did I comment here again..? :/
    Oh and ehm, do you have any link to the sauce of the wallpaper?
  • 0
    hey do you have a link to the background or the full picture?
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