
Fucking hell, how much I hate frontend!

Getting a tab system to work (bulma only exists out of css) has been taking me ages and its still not working.

I love nice interfaces but I just want to work on the backend 😭

  • 3
    Get a dR member to help you lol.

    There's some skilled people on here and someone will likely be willing to help.
  • 7
    Well a developer nowadays means frontend, backend AND DevOps 😀
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    @Devnergy Professionally I'm a server engineer ;)
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    @Consolelog Honestly the only thing I want is a working Bulma (framework) tab switching thing haha 😅
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    Already came to a jQuery solution when just typing 2 words on Google. Aaaahr jQuery! XD
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    Did a tab thingy recently for a pet project to help students learn to use github 😅 I usually use Materialize or bulma cz I love to work on backend stuffs, thought to do this on my own. Its developed using gatsby and handwritten CSS (Iam proud lol).

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    @AlexDeLarge I have done frontend for years so I know the basics. (not much more than the basics, though)

    The reason I like bulma is because it's extremely easy to use (at least, for me) and it allows me to, quite fast and easily, create some decent looking frontends.
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    I totally get it, backend is fun 🍑 😎
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    I was going to use Bulma, but after I saw Vue, I putted it completelly asside...

    Bulma is very easy, but also can get very limited.
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    @rEaL-jAsE I don't agree...

    some Frameworks do wonders in minutes that would take days to do in javascript

    I believe that everything has its place...

    Of course that to learn web apps one needs to start from the beginning...

    And trust me... I restarted like one year ago and FUCK CSS ... still had to learn it.

    Still because I want to do WebApps I'll use Vue, but for that, I already did a refresh on JS, PHP, learned a little bit of CSS and html5
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    @GyroGearloose Oh and really looked to Bulma... and its really nice to beautify simple pages... but for WebApps it's very limited, it's like a GUI beautifier
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    You must be a hardcore tab system then, this didn't take me that long :v

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    @GyroGearloose In what way is it limited though? It does just what it needs to do, and that is making G part of GUI development simpler.
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    @inaba for web pages I love it, makes everything beautiful. But not that good for web apps with lots of stuff...
    I personally would go for :
    Bulma for simple beautiful pages;
    Vue for web apps
    W3S CSS framework to lean (even more basic then bulma but that's where I started, to understand the concepts)...

    I'm a guy from the time that doing a web page gui with tables would mesmerize my colleagues (in a CS class, like 20 years ago)
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    @GyroGearloose I am not sure what you mean by web apps with lots of stuff. What makes Bulma not good for that? And I'm even less sure of how it compares to Vue since the two do very different things but can compliment each other.
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    @inaba Sorry, you'r wright...

    Bulma: Multi Page

    Vue (Or React or other): Single Page App
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    @GyroGearloose Bulma is a CSS framework. Vue and React are JS frameworks. You can use both at the same time and they'd compliment each other. They're both used for different things but do not replace each other. Bulma is purely looks, Vue and React are purely functionality
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    Btw you ment a tabbed menu or tabs (meaning using tabs to jump trough fields, like fealing a form without mouse
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