This is one from i was an intern

Me: writes some logic, using
for(String s : something)
Senior: holds a 30 minute talk on why short loops are bad and we should always use the traditional one
Me: ok retard
Me: havent used traditional loops ever since then

  • 2
    Is there any advantage to the traditional? Compiled efficiencies or whatnot to justify this?
  • 3
    @balheru as far as i know there is no difference in the compiled code
  • 0
    I can tell that java translate the short-for in the normal one while compiling
  • 0
    Don't know why you need to call him a retard. It might be he wants longhand for readability, in case another dev will take over maintaining your code should you ever leave.
  • 0
    @Kairpooph because its a meme

    Also readibility would be a perfectly valid option if this wasnt dead simple android code where you basically just display stuff
  • 0
    There's a huge fucking difference between indexed and enhanced ("short") loops. Enhanced loop uses iterator, try looping through big LinkedList and you'll see the difference easily.
  • 0
    @sSam have you ever used a linked list outside of academic programs?
  • 0
    @sharktits it wasn't the point, I just provided it as an example. Also yes, I use if it makes sense.
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