
Had a performance review with my boss .... got a promotion and a raise 😊

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  • 2
    @rutee07 thanks, go for it.
  • 5
    whoop whoop congrats!

    I also just realised that as a freelancer I will never get a promotion. :(
  • 1
    @balte A freelancer is itself the Boss
  • 0
    @ViRaS as @balte said, you're your own boss.
  • 5
    Very well done!

    To those reading I want to say that you only get paid...

    (Whichever is lowest)
    1. What your worth
    2. What you ask for

    So to all them great devs like @uuid , Go ask for that raise! Do it!

  • 4
    @leanrob By that logic you should always ask for more than you're worth in order to be paid what you're worth? πŸ€”

    or in dev terms
    pay = min(ask, worth)

    @uuid Congrats πŸ€™
  • 2
    @LordPeeve Yes.

    Your logic is sounds and it works in the real world too.

    If you ask for 100K, being worth 100K then there is a real possibility of being given 90-95K because... negotiations.

    So ask for 110K (or 115K if your gutsy and have other offers to consider), expecting to take 100 if it is offered to you.
  • 3
    @leanrob I like the way you think, I have been doing something similar lately and have had good outcomes.

    The nasty bit is working out what's gutsy and potentially losing it all.

    ask = (worth + gutsy) * employerTolerance

    employerTolerance = rand(-1, 0)

    A few more iterations and I might publish a paper on "How to calculate the perfect remuneration" 😜
  • 5
    what a noob, just realised i have a bug πŸ™„

    employerTolerance = rand(0, 1)

    PR ready for review 😁
  • 0
    Hey that's a wonderful joke ! πŸ˜‚
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