An old friend just texted me and asked me to hack Facebook. Again.

FUCK OFF. I'm not a fucking work-horse, I'm not a slave, and I'm not fucking with something as meaningless and stupid as FB.

Go hack your way into his neck with an axe if you want to, I'll even help, but fuck messing with their social life. Go for the disease, not the symptoms.

  • 4
    I don't get it. What kind of friends do you people who get asked to hack websites?

    I've never been asked something like this.

    Like, are they kids? Are they grown adults? Who are these people? 😠😠😠

    I don't get it.
  • 1
    @BigBoo ++. Seriously. New friends required! Time to level up
  • 0
    @BigBoo they're usually grown adults with the intellect of a 2 y/o kid
  • 0
    I think that you should ask him his login and password to do the hack.
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