
the following rant is brought to you by: reddit.com

fuck this fucking website with its shitty glitched out voting system and its fucking gay ass subreddits and shitty fucking domain and shitty name and shitty throw away accounts and fuckface-run circlejerks and fake ass bullshit karma-whoring fucking stories that dont count for shit and fuck fucking fuckery salty ass dick licking horse asshole sucking downvoters who would downvote their own fucking mothers fuck those fucking fucknut cuntfaces to the core of the fucking earth 

and fuck your shitty fucking 0 limit on posts downvote like what the fuck that doesnt even make sense show that its negative instead of some shitty ass fucking percentage thats probably not even accurate but why the fuck does that even matter since some salty fuck probably made a bunch of alternate accounts and downvoted one particular post but reddit doesnt give a fuck about tracking ips, oh you got banned? just make another account, and fuck you, rule, i will start this fucking gay title with "vote up if" if i motherfucking want to but you're lucky as fuck i dont want to cause i can totally fucking sue you so hard into the ground that your anus will start fucking bleeding you fucking fuck fuckface trying to fucking censor my fucking human rights and i almost forgot fuck the fucking sjws and mensrights and the_donald and hillary subreddits, why the fuck is there politics here, fuck politics seriously fuck it up the fucking std-ridden asshole no one gives a shit about that comment you made about hillary or trump you special fucking snowflake you, also no one gives a fuck what you just thought while masturbating in the shower you little fuck, how the fuck is that gay subreddit even a fucking thing with its shitty fucking nonsense name, just call it "cool fucking thoughts" or "look at this sexy fucking shit idea that i just fucking need to share with you that i totally didnt copy from anywhere else"

ohh lets make fun of tumblr -- wait a fucking sparkling second, this fucking website has just as many entitled little fuckfaces and oppressed sjws and "smart" 12 year olds with their shitty weird ass handles and "pm_me_tits" usernames, fuck you asshole i'll pm you a high quality picture of my dick in your goats ass, and trust me i have a bigg ass furry dick. everyone is being oppressed here to apparently, so quick to play the fucking fucked victim fucking card.

also why the fuck is the most upvoted post of all time what tastes "distsusting" with rice, like you made the most fucking obvious, retarded typo and most half-assed and uninteresting question but somefuckinghow you made it to the fucking front page and the most upvoted post of all fucking time, fucking obama and stephen hawkings got an ama here and you cunts are upvoting that fucking shit? give me a motherfucking break, don't even get me started on how fucking unfunny the jokes are on /r/jokes, fucking atrociously shitty shit i tell you, not even fucking half amusing, i find funerals more funny than that fucking pathetic spectacle, jesus fucking fuck 

what the fuck is the point of reddit gold, fuck that bullshit, it's like the new way to suck other peoples dicks online

fucking seriously, the fuck do you fuckers think you are? some kind of secret society? yeah why dont you fucking cunts post some more shit trending memes that you found on 9gag or facebook and post it here and just watch it fly to the front page as 12 year old fucks upvote that as "quality content", yes i said it, 9gag, reddit, theyre in the same sentence now fuckface, what are you going to fucking do about it, bitch? thats right youre going to downvote like a little fucking fuckcunt you pussy ass, because downvotings all that ever fucking happens on this fucking fuckery fuckfaced fucksucked fuckcunt broccoli fucksite what the actual fucking fucky fuck is this i fuckijc ufckudfncbasdasesqwfj8932ue328fj3209dkj

tldr: fuck

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