An european customer turned me down yesterday because I don't have a fucking paypal account and I'm too embarrassed to explain him WHY MY GOV BLOCKED PAYPAL 2 YEARS AGO.

He didn't wanna do wire transfer, god knows why. Now I don't know how I'm going to pay the bills next month.

  • 5
    Why are you embarassed to explain that? Sounds just stupid.
  • 0
    @Linux It is but when I try to, people reacts so weird and thinks I'm a fraud or something
  • 4
    They'll already think you're a fraud anyway, so might as well dispell that myth by a simple explanation. :P
  • 3
    No they dont. Thats you that thinks that.
    Otherwhise, fix and alternative payment method
  • 2
    Paypal is pretty much dead in large parts of Europe, hopefully whatever backwater country your client was from will stop using that crap soon.
  • 0
    Not in Sweden
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