
I was finally moved to a production project after 2 months in my internship.

Almost had a heart attack after seeing the source code. Thousands of lines of code. So many files. So many things to understand.

I hope I don't lose my brain before getting a stress ball :(

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    It's not so bad. Just don't delete... yeah 😑 that file.
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    @ingenioushax It's obviously is version control
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    @tahnik: I would hope so...
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    my project is thousands of lines of code that I just put into source control correctly myself. so yeah . . .
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    when I first saw I real project it was some millions of lines of bad asp and js code and didn't understand shit. but then I leave all this as is and start making my stuff, I used the old code as example (back then I didn't realise that it was bad written) and I just code.
    it just needs baby steps, don't try to get it all at once, in a big project don't even the people who wrote the code don't understand it. 😛
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