I often get posed the option of using Go or Node, personally I think they’re both good languages and that they both have different purposes. But I was just wondering, what’s the sentiment on DevRant?

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    Never used Go, but I've heard good things about it. I'll say Node, just because it's my daily driver nowadays
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    Node sucks and im happy its getting abandoned. Never used go, but its google so i dont expect much.
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    @sharktits lol it will be a long time before node gets abandoned
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    For me, it's Node. I tried playing around with Go, didn't really like it. Also, I think it lacks packages that solve common tasks (still can't find good authentication package). Also, I don't Node is going anywhere soon, so I'm gonna stick with it
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    My tiburontetas colleague (@sharktits) may be a little more brass regarding Node than I am. I like both, but highly prefer the approach that Go gives you. It forces you to write code in one way taking pythons one way to do things yo a next level. It really welcomes people to the internal source code and managing the idea of interfaces and structs is far too simple. It is quite enjoyable and easy to reason about. Structs can easily be marshaled with nothing but the std libs and you can really learn the internals of things like tcp serverd etc from writing simple examples. At some times you may feel like reinventing the weel, still, it does not really matter since you don't feel it due to the intrinsic nature of writing code that you must absolutely know without feeling magic.

    It is a boring nom elegant lang. And that is good.
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    Also, you could give Rust a try. I played with it for some time and I actually enjoyed it
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    Node.js isn't a language.
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