
Friend and me from the university need to write a program to parse Value-Change-Dumps from different files, and merge them together in a new file to easily compare them. This project last for the whole semester. The program was for one of the professors and we need to meet with him and give him an introduction how to use the program (was cli & gui based)

Long story short: enter office, give him the link to git repo. He clones it. Clicks on it and boom. Python error. Some Tkinter Error. OK ok after a few minutes we solved the issue by installing some additional packages and our program starts. But it doesn't work. About 80% of the buttons did nothing. WTF!??

Oh. We used git flow for fun and haven't moved the development branch to master and he cloned outdated code. We need nearly 30 minutes to solve this. 🤔And I'm just happy that this professor was just a calm guy . He was also happy because now he does not need to run multiple instances of GtkWave to compare his simulation results.

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