
FUCK FUCK FUCK Windows share feature
just fuck it !
and fuck the people who made it!!!44

ok calm mode on

I had to copy a 30 gb file from my computer to my sister's one, and since the largest pendrive I have is 8gb, and I'm just lazy to split the file into parts, I thought it would be a great idea to copy it over LAN. (tldr: it's not)

First attempt:
Right click on file and share it with everyone = fail
Enable network discovery in sharing settings = still fail
Ohh, right, I just forgot it, disable firewall, it usually solves everything = still fail (2)
Google the problem and try every possible solution = still fking fail

Second attempt:
Ok, when last time I had the same problem, I made a homegroup and it worked.
Let's enable it on my Win10 = it's missing
After some googling: "We removed the home group feature from Windows 10, because why not and we would be fired if the change log was empty."
Ok, fuck it.

Third attempt:
Download a portable FTP server.
Enable it.
Create an account.
It works.

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    🤔 What kind of mobile phone do you have?
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    @Jilano you can disable password protected sharing on both machines somewhere in the control panel
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    @JackToolsNet why you ask? if it's about the formatting of the rant, I wrote it in devRant Unofficial on PC

    @Jilano it's password protected, but I think it would just throw me an error when I would log in, but they didn't even see each other.

    It was like an hour, most of it was googling...
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    @marci010101 you need to set network discovery to enabled and you maybe have to join the same workgroup.
    I don't really know anymore. I just set my static IP and set up shared folders. Easy enough. Sometimes Microsoft accounts don't play nicely. Local accounts are more stable
  • 2
    @marci010101 No. But you can use it as USB drive I think. So if your phone have more then 30gb it is a easy solution next time.
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    Windows sucks. Not that I ever used a Mac..
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    Sir i was googling the same words out of anger in google when i found your post! i had to sign up and tell you thank you for sharing this pain and 4 hours of frustration with me!!!!!
    FUck them fuck them and teir stupid useless "Features"
  • 0
    Same here.

    When I got it to finally connect to the network location and manually set up permissions (because why would it be simple), it decides to indefinitely hang the whole file explorer.

    Can't even open a txt file or read a subfolder.

    Aint giving Win11 a single thought, fuck this useless pile of shit
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