
Why I'm like this

  • 32
    Me talking to girls
  • 2
    It's impedance mismatch. Communication can be modeled with 3 components: factual, relational, status. If you want to establish a relation, initiating factual communication doesn't work.
  • 15
    I always get a kernel panic when talking to cute girls
  • 4
    Talking to girls: perfectly fine because they are just other goddamn humans??
  • 6
    That's weird way to name a boner but sure why not.
  • 2
    @AlgoRythm no, you brainwashed human! Girls are alienz ayy lmao
  • 2
    @JiggleTits that poor eagle :-(

    know it is not yours, but man ... :-(
  • 8
    Make a linkedin profile and practice with recruiters, both male and female.

    They're disposable material, and likely to be accommodating as long as they think they can still score their commission.

    I would be lying if I said I hadn't abused a few for free lunches.
  • 6
    Project proposal: Make AI which can talk to girls.
    We can then put it in a box and when a cute girl goes by we can be like: "Yo gurl check my box..." and then the AI does it's thing.
  • 1
    @GTom nonono, that's just the power flowing through me :)
  • 0
    Don't you feel alone most of us are like you but it's sad though :/
  • 0
    @Rohr that eagle is perfectly fine with it, it has a cap on its head so it can sleep and does not get scared
  • 0
    Read the documentation first and you might be able to talk to girls 😏
  • 0
    Who needs women when you have robots
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