$ uptime
How long are you running?

  • 1
    For about 19 hours right now, I wish I had more sleep and coffee since I did 2 hours of exercise which as you know is a big energy depleting task.

    But I've been holding up quite good, thanks for asking.
  • 5
    Laptop: 4 days
    Mobile: 5 days
    Brain : 15 years, 9 months
  • 5
    Windows: 'uptime' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

    Rpi: uptime 7 months
  • 1
    CentOS uptime 3 days without crashing. 😎😎😎
  • 2
    About 11 hours.
  • 3
    if my cow doesn't lie: many days
  • 1
    @Hezen-Dar since i discovered cowsay -f head-in im a little weirded out by cowsay. not too much tho.
  • 1
    @gitreflog i just tried it. o.o
    There have to be a logic reason for it to exist
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