
unfortunately this isn't a rant, but im stuck. so hello fellow devs! if any of you could kindly answer this problem I am having, or lead me in a good direction, I'd highly appreciate it. thank you!

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    @h3ll and why is that? are you against helping other devs?
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    @h3ll oh and how is it beg posting? my life isn't going to end if you don't answer it. I'm not begging you, I'm asking kindly for your help. if you don't have an answer, stfu and move along. or make your own rant about how annoying a post asking for help is.
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    @h3ll and no one has answered it in 3 days, so I'm sharing it. it's not like I just posted it and am being impatient, but 3 days ago isn't a short time.
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    Anyone read the latest update from Devrant? it kinda addresses this...
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    @lreading no I actually haven't, where can I find it
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    I couldn't find a link to it in the app? weird... Anyways, there's a note on community etiquette that basically said that contents like the first one that was left are not constructive.

    I agree with that idea, and if someone doesn't like a post, down vote and move on. i, personally, see nothing wrong with reaching out to a community for help. :)
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    @h3ll thank you. and just for everyone's information, not that I have gotten an answer yet, but the post on SO has over 20 new views and 2 up votes.. so hopefully someone will come up with something soonish
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