So, I installed Linux Mint Cinnamon on my main desktop now.

I think I fucked up my partitions because Windows boots to a black screen now, but I'm not even mad.

*deletes all windows partitions*

  • 2
    Mint just fucked up in self defense because Windows would have fucked up anyway. Like in Highlander, there can only be one.
  • 1
    Been there done that
  • 2
    Cinnamon is the most usable DE, seriously. No frills, looks okay, equally good for keyboard and mouse based stuff, not very heavy.
  • 1
    @RememberMe Agreed. I had KDE on my old laptop, I really found it to be clunky.
  • 3
    @RememberMe Cinnamon is pretty nice but I somehow always keep coming back to Xfce after trying other DEs. With a nice theme it can look really nice and is still pretty minimalistic.
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