Fucking translation service!! (Wordreference)
This morning I got the usual gdpr thingy and I thought "ok let's have a look what this translation service is doing"
You damn bitch that fucking list contains dozens and dozens of rows and I have to fucking manually disable them one by one.
What the hell, did you hire a monkey to code this stuff you utterly incompetent company? I'm never gonna you this thing again

  • 3
    Pre-checking the options is in violation of the GDPR. It's opt-in, not opt-out that is required. If these fuckheads had really been following the GDPR, you just would have had to click OK.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop nice catch! I'm gonna write them an email immediately.
  • 1
    I've seen many website with that. They use common scripts and UIs. The fact that you don't have the ability to "uncheck" all is the proof the company want you to give up opting out. This kind of company don't deserve I opt-in anything
  • 2
    And there we go! Let's see if they will ever answer...
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