
Just broke up with my GF tonight.
She threatened to kill herself so I had to call the Cops to solve the situation...
I really loved her and valued the relationship, but I cant handle her crazyness. :(

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    Thanks for your support.
  • 13
    Shit man, been with one like that too. She threatened to jump off a bridge if I dumped her. Didn't believe. Next week I saw her in a wheelchair with 2 broken legs
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    @ArcaneEye couldn't be happier!
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    Start drinking heavily.
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    You made the right choice! Be thankful you had good judgment.
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    Wow, I really love this community.
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    @BilboSwaggins agree with guys above, stay strong, girl needs to put her shit together. ;)
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    Damn, my gf was doing self harm for a long time, even while being in therapy which is completly free here in Germany.

    You did the right thing for god's sake.

    Good luck and may you find the right wife.
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    Good call, hope all works out for you and she cools off!
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    I’ve had very similar situations, on more than one occasion; but I can’t stay away from the crazy ones... 😉

    Hope everything’s alright for ya, take care!
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    Been there.

    Best decision you took.

    Threats = blackmail = mental games = never ending problems.
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    I know it's hard to be with a person with problems and it's easy to be in the side of the one that have to deal with that person.. but I think that no one have to hate the one that have mental illness, I can't talk about your situation, but I had to deal with similar things and I can say that besides all the problems, with therapy and help from my side, I ended up with the person I want to be forever, in a healthy relationship and her being more happy than ever.. it took a lot of effort from both sides, but it's not something that she did in purpose.. it's a mental illness that have to be treated.. so I hope she end up in good hands, with good doctors.. just my 2 cents
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    Nice call! *clap clap clap* will do the same!
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    @roger when some on threatens to commit suicide if you dont do something its called manipulation. And that can lead to much worse,threat to burn houses down for example. And,some violent relationshipe are a result of such an environment, and as a man,you always lose on a violent relationahip.

    Someone who expresses difficulty with life and speak about it is different than some one who threatens to do so.

    Dont go puting flowers in shit please.
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    most likely it was psychological manipulation resulting from her craziness that tricked you into thinking you love her.

    not that i want to devalue your feelings, but i had two gfs like that.

    and it took me about 6 gruelling years after the breakup to realize that.

    what also helped was when they finally admitted they haven't really cared about me that much, they only liked the level of attention i was giving them.

    thank you very much, ladies, that you made me torture myself with trying to puzzle out what i did wrong for ONLY 6 years until you decided that it might be worth it to admit a not nice thing about yourself to let me out of my mind-hell.

    people like this are not worth it. being alone for a decade is less damaging than being with a person like that even for a single year.

    next time, RUN at the first sign of anything remotely similar.

    sorry, but that's how it is. you'll realize it too, after a few years.
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    You can't fit everything based on what you lived without knowing anything about the others but a little comments here.. people it's more complicated than bad or good.. and if you knew me you'll notice how my life changed from depression to happiness thanks to her and the same the other way around.

    We are together since 4 years, she always accepted that had problems an we worked together so we both can be happy and I can tell you that we are.

    Not everyone is the same, not everyone can be helped, not everyone can accept their problems and not everyone can be in the side of someone with mental illness, but still I think lot of this people need help and they don't even know that.. if only they had help from their family, therapy and some understanding of what is going on in their heads..

    So I don't think that celebrate a break up or insult it's the right thing to do
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