

So my friend (a girl) just posted a selfie, and someone (guy) asked in the comment “You haven’t take a shower?”. For fuck sake she’s just wearing casual clothes, smh

  • 2
    Is she wearing the same old clothes from yesterday?
  • 2
    @growling I don’t know, but that’s still rude and not used as a joke
  • 2
    First of all that is rude as hell and it is also kinda creepy that he would ask that kind of question on a social media platform
  • 3
    It might be a joke between two people.
  • 1
    @Codex404 that’s a likely possibility actually.
  • 3
    Some guys think that we dress specifically for them, only ever think about attracting/appeasing them, and that we exist solely for their pleasure. 😡
  • 4
    @Root you dont? /s

    Just kidding I know you dont, without you girls we couldnt reproduce and destroy the earth /s
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