Should I go for $30 or $60 a year hosting?
$30 is a local company with very lousy specs but would (hopefully) be good enough for a basic website.
$60 is DigitalOcean's cheapest droplet with far better value when comparing the specs offered.

Basically what it comes down to is should I prepare for the future by paying twice as much?

  • 3
    DigitalOcean (I say sitting in my DO sponsor merch) remember to use code DROPLET10 for a 10$ to start with 👌
  • 5
    If it's really some basic hosting I'd put it on aws honestly
  • 0
    Scaleway offers the best value for money for small machines. You get twice the power you would get on DO, for cheaper, and quadruple the power for just a tad bit more than Vultr.
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    Civo is good to but based in the UK
  • 2

  • 0
    Go check out the listings in https://lowendbox.com. many of the data center are in europe so you might get a low lag.

    You can get the specs of smallest drop let from digital ocean at the price of as low as $5 a year. Yes A YEAR. Sure it may be OpenVZ. KVM ones are a bit over $10 a year or more. Depends on the specs.
  • 3
    And if it's a static website, go for Github pages or Gitlab pages. With custom domains. It's free
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    @badcoder along those lines for static sites netlify is real good to. Also free
  • 1
    Netlify is also an option
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    Can I just ask out of curiosity? Is the $60 minimum due to your requirements? You might already know this, but they do have much cheaper droplets, depending on your requirements :)
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