So I've been using Antergos Linux as a way to ease myself into Arch.

Gnome apparently has moved to Wayland so I thought "Oh I don't need the Xorg window server anymore, let's just delete the Pacman package for that..."

Oh. Oh crap.

That was a mistake.
...Gnome is gone.

.... Guess I got my excuse to install vanilla Arch.

  • 11
    You can boot up with an arch Linux and then repair this :)
  • 3
    Boot using live ArchLinux and chrooting into your installation partition, you can easily install Xorg, without actually booting into your base OS. 🎉
  • 1
    upvote for antergos.
  • 1
    Even if you only use Wayland apps, you will still need X for X forwarding in SSH
  • 1
    @ozelentsov Yeah I know. I'm just being lazy. 😪
  • 1
    @kenogo The post was mainly a joke. I was aware of what I was diving into.
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