
Ugh, Windows. You filthy fucking thing.

  • 7
    No, not Windows. Shut down your VM properly and you probably don't have it. 99.999% of the cases are that you did not shut down Windows. Or your storage is corrupted.
  • 0
    @sigfried dude. This took forever to do. Course I'm going to complain. Arch manages to recover from power loss A LOT faster than Windows, even if Windows was native.
  • 5
    @c3ypt1c it's not about recovering. It's about checking the disk for corrupted data after the power loss.
  • 0
    @sigfried which is something i didn't ask windows to do in the first place because i wanted a relatively fast boot. I wanted windows to literally turn on.
  • 10
    @c3ypt1c I'm not a Windows fan myself, but dude. Maybe start complaining about Windows actually starting automatically. Because who told it to start? I told the computer to start, not boot Windows.

    Which one do you choose?
    A) fast boot but high risk at losing your data
    B) slower boot but lower risk of data loss.

    Pretty sure you're gonna choice B.

  • 1
    @c3ypt1c why don't you just press any key to skip chkdsk?
  • 4
    @PrivateGER i was away from the pc :/ i didnt think it'd do it

    @sigfried do i look rich to you? But apart from that, you're probably right. Im just pissed
  • 4
    @c3ypt1c don't know. But SSD's aren't that expensive anymore. I think you can get a Samsung 500GB for around 100 euro.
  • 1
    @sigfried 100 euro is half my savings. :/
  • 0
    @kenogo £2 a month is literally £24 a year. Plus, i got a £10 Google gift card which should coved it for a couple months before i have to pay anything. I mean, you could say that if i saved the £2 a month, in 4 years 2 months, I'd have enough for an SSD. But that just seems like an awfully long time.
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