I was made owner of the GitHub repo in my team.
I am the second guy with rights to merge to master.
Soo happy 😬

  • 3
    Good for you
  • 6
    @electric-ghost Do you have time to talk about our lord and savior git flow?

    I dislike git flow.

    Fix vs feature doesn't matter that much. Intermediate release prep branches go against the principle of continuous integration.

    For my teams (120 devs, 50 backend in 7 teams) we use:

    A master branch which runs unit tests and a deploy cycle on every commit. Master is protected from direct pushes.

    Devs can create any kind of branch they want. Every push to origin triggers testing pipelines, and deploys that branch in a docker container.

    A dev can create a PR to master from any branch they make. To merge the PR, it needs green tests, and depending on the diff it will ask for code reviews from "module owners". The docker container needs a check from stakeholders (product owner, sales lead, whoever made the original task).

    So we have just master, and PR branches.
  • 0
    First bullet on your to-do list:
    Migrate to Gitlab
  • 0
    @bittersweet What does your pipelines do exactly? How long does the container stay live? Does the pipeline get triggered on each branch push including PR branches or just master?
  • 1
    @greenscar See this for an example:


    Our setup is pretty much like that. The article explains why a development branch or staging environment is unnecessary, because the review pipelines allow you to continuously and safely merge fixes & features directly into master.

    Every feature has its own staging deploy and review procedure, and you can set rules on how strict the review must be. So in our case: Non technical staff and stakeholders test and approve the review, developers check the code quality. Multiple unit / integration / style / human tests can run either in series or in parallel.

    We use a bunch of git hooks, scripts and the API to set requirements as well — Features with DB migrations are reviewed by A DB admin, API endpoints get a look from a frontend API implementor as well, and text content is checked by writers and translators.
  • 0
    @electric-ghost, we use the same thing here
    Perfect for small teams
  • 0
    I love this community 😍
    Such support, much wow
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