
My boss came into my room today, sat down and said:

Take your family to the [BIG AMUSEMENT PARK], and please keep the reciepts and give them to me. Spend a couple of hundreds bucks and we will pay.
Thanks for being someone whom I can trust

That made me happy

  • 26
    Amazing! Enjoy your little vacation :D
  • 28
    @Alice they'll cheat anyway, may as well get something out of em
  • 33
    We had some super stressful month where I barely managed to get time for lunch, worked 11-14 hours each day (probably more) and sorted quite complicated things out that now works great

    The only thing that they can do is to remove 20% of what I spent, so they still have to pay alot. And the time it takes to check the reciept and do the shit takes time. So they wont win anything on it - just my happiness
  • 3
    Congrats @Linux, enjoy your day. You deserve it.
  • 3
    Nice! Congratulations!
  • 1
    Congratulations man! Have a wonderful time 😊😊🤗🤗
  • 6
    @Linux why does you boss have access to your room? :/
  • 8
    More like, why do I have my own room when everyone else suffer in a open office env :)
  • 2
    Ask for a raise 😂
  • 3
    Plot twist: boss didn’t pay the bills :)
  • 2
    Did you figure out how you gonna spend that much money 🤔
  • 2
    Currently doing that right now
  • 2
    That is really awesome. A lot of research shows that employees prefer proper recognition like that over no recognition and a higher pay.
  • 1
    And I completly agree to that!
    If my company want me to feel well - I want my company to feel well too!
  • 1
    And you woke up from a dream 😂😂, Just kidding
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