My Chromebook Pixel 2015 died yesterday. *sniff* I really liked the build quality and using crouton for Linux.

My 2nd work laptop ever was a IBM Thinkpad and I really liked that back in the day.

Now I'm looking at the Thinkpad 25th anniversary edition. Anyone have one? Thoughts?

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    I've had a Thinkpad for four years and still amazing only bad thing about it is screen back is not solid so a tiny pressure will break the screen

    But I recall the upgraded version was better saw it once.

    Anyways from my experience Thinkpads are great never had an issue with it
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    The 25th ed is a t470, I have one and it's a great laptop. I'm a little biased though, I also have a x1, a x200, a t61, a e600, a t42 all in working order.
    (and a few more).
    You'll never run out of parts, there's a great community very knowledgeable of the hardware in case you run into trouble or just want to modify them.
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