- Sent from my iPhone

You know what? I'm gonna take that iPhone, smear it with my dog's shit, stick it down your throat, beat you up until you shit it out and then stick it right back into you ass!

  • 14
    Fuck those People who brag about their devices.

    -- Sent from my Moto G Play Android 7.0.2 Lineage 14.1 with serial number ZY223PF4WJ and mac address f4:f5:24:e2:a0:71 and kernel version 3.10.49
  • 4
    @Alice I know where ill burgle tonight. (is burgle the correct verb for burglary doing?)

    -- Sent from that thing above (bc i am too lazy to copy it)
  • 0
    @Jilano Chill ik your toaster is godlike but i was talking bout my portable personal computer (ppc) signature from two comments above..
  • 2

    -- sent from my CRAY supercomputer
  • 2
    Haha sheeps

    - Sent from my iStone
  • 2
    What are you bitching about?

    - You were sent to read this by my New Infinity Gas Generator Device
  • 1

    - sent from my gigantic stone circle of unknown antiquity using ancient druidic powers that only activate once in a blue moon but can send messages through time so that it appears that I'm always online.
  • 1
    You are doing it all wrong except the first step. Gotta reverse whole process after you got the 🐕💩 📱
  • 1
    What about - Sent from Windows 10?
  • 1
    Since we are going apple here

    - sent from my MacBook Pro
  • 2
    You all suck. I have a great breakfast AND a suicide machine in one.

    - Sent from my iToaster
  • 1

    - 從我的小米Redmi Note 4發出
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