It's been almost 4 months since i got my first software engineer job.... They only have me doing test support. Should i be concerned? Or is this a regular thing?

  • 1
    Depends on everything really.
    I would start looking for better opportunities.
  • 1
    Adults call it, "paying your dues." When you're the ranking FNG, you do the shit work. New architects aren't designing skyscrapers. They're confirming the dimensions of hand-washing facilities in McDonald's bathrooms.

    It takes years to get where you want to be.
  • 2
    Pretty normal, as you learn more about their processes you will be able to offer your services in other projects, but for now you gotta put in the grunt work.
  • 0
    Been there. Still there. 6 months into the job. After 3 months of shitty training of stuff we already knew.
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