Fun fact. I work for a 20-year old company that does software which mostly does print outputs. 95% of our clients actually use it specifically and exclusively to print their invoice runs. There are over 25 printers in this office, 5 of which are within chair-rolling distance of my desk.

I don't know how to use or fix any of them. I must be a *really bad* developer. >.<

  • 1
    @hindsight2020 well the only time you use it print out something. Trust me we do software development for some copier,most of my colleagues don't know 50% of it's functionality and mostly no one uses half of those functionality anyway.
  • 1
    It may be worth doing some of your own research....

    It turns out that sitting next to a laser printer means you are subject to the same amount of particulate matter as you would be sitting next to a smoker. Are the particles as bad? Well, breathing small particles causes respiratory irritation, and can cause cancer. It's not a good idea. The toner (powder) seems to be the problem.
  • 0
    Guys, this was a meme not a rant, to go along with all those rants about "I'm a software engin--- can you repair my printer?"
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