
This is funny 😂
Let's not ride the hype train everywhere


  • 3
    hahahahhah so true. I've seen similar posts about javascript fatigue:

    So ES6 man, it's amazing. It makes JavaScript not a joke, its super powerful.

    Cool how do I get started?

    Well you're going to want to `npm init` then install `babel` and all the plugins you want.

    Whats `babel`?

    It's this program that compiles your es6 into javascript that can actually be run.

    Wait, I though ES6 was javascript.

    Well it is, but only parts of it are implemented in browsers/node.

    Oh, like what?
  • 2
    @rozzzly Hahahaha, been there. Decided not to use es6 till node 6 came out with 100% spec implementation
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