
It's one of those nights again. It's so hot that I'm constantly sweating my fucking ass off and its near impossible to ventilate here. Fucking irritated for some fucking reason and questioning all my fucking life and work decisions yet again.

I don't fucking need this right now. Have to get up in 6 hours but oh boy is this going to be a long night.

  • 7
    @XiovV I tried it with a mini fan aimed at my forehead last night.

    Now I've got a motherfucking cold as well. Woop dee fucking doo
  • 3
    Haha, same here. I'm like what should I do now.
  • 4
    Yeah, had to double the rate of my showers to keep myself sane.
  • 2
    Sweaty balls ✓
  • 1
    Same for me.
  • 1
    Making a waterbed with my sweat, goddamn
  • 0
    Fucking global warming
  • 0
    Yes it is quite hot here too... to top that off, yesterday, power kept going out... hope that doesn’t happen today... I’ll not be able to live without internet 🙁🙁😭😭😂😂
  • 0
    Would it be too much of an affront to ask where you live that it's so warm?
  • 1
    I need to seal off my attic and install more insulation, but I'm not going in a 120 degree attic. Of course I said the same thing last year and had plenty of time to do it during the winter 🤣
  • 0
    Damn Its same here.

    44 Fucking degrees
  • 0
    Fucking shit, I will probably die this week coz forecast says it gonna be even worse...
  • 1
    @bols59 Netherlands, me too
  • 1
    Same here. And it won't get colder for the whole week. I'm fucking melting 😫
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