
When you forget to uncheck the "RegExp" button in the "find and replace" dialog, and it's too late to undo your changes.

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    CVS? no? piece of cake with git...
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    @azous yea i'm on git, i can roll back but I will lose some changes because i did not start clean before this mistake lol.
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    @achehab je suis désolé 🙏
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    @achehab :/ you could rollback everything or stage what you want and discard the rest if it isn't that complicated :/
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    @azous I'm just ranting, I wouldn't have ranted if it weren't complicated AF (try the same regex on a big project and you'll know what i'm talking about :P).
    Anyways lesson learnt! 😀
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    @achehab use git kraken to stage only the chunk(literally chunk not entire files) of code you want and discard the rest. I used it so many times. et ca devrait être bon.
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    @thedev Ooo c'est intéressant, i'll check that out. Merci!
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    @sodafountan hahaha i think that was the issue :P!!! I use the dark theme at night, and the light theme in the morning. Call me weird, but my eyes work this way
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