
The Nintendo Switch store still sucks, the games are all still priced above 40 dllrs and pretty meh still

Just in case anyone was wondering.

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    Only good nintendo is the 2ds, goes for like under $100 and actually has games. Change my mind.
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    @Alice nes more like nintendo emulation system amirite ladies *tips fedora*
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    @Alice a (some fruit) pi and a controller is way cheaper than an nes
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    @fuck2code doing pretty ok :) under a very life changing diet but ok :) what about you?

    And i will look into some experiments with the switch if nintendo keeps being weird about it
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    @sharktits b, the nes, snes, n64 and game cube were flipping awesome. I stopped at the wii and even though i got the wii u i hated it.....250dllr smash bros machine that was. Handhelds have always been great
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    @Alice was gonna say that. Plus they are bringing the classic editions which are always great
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    @Alice ive been having a hard time with getting back into pokemon :( not a big fan of their newer games or even the gameplay. I was more than happy with the oldschool style ;__;
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    @fuck2code wait wot? What happened???
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    Nintendo First Party Games almost never drop their price. Has been the case with previous consoles, and is still true. Other than that, if you are into indies there were already some pretty good deals with even 50 % off.

    But yeah, most of the eShop is like a "Best of" of the previous years of gaming, just portable. I would not say Zelda-Machine anymore, though.

    I currently play the roguelite "A robot named Fight" on it. Feels like Super Metroid but every run is different. Was about 12 bucks and I already invested 20 hours.

    Ah yes and in 2 weeks there is E3.
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    @fuck2code damn man 0.o hope you guys are good now
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