
CSS "scroll-behavior: smooth" implements smooth scrolling with CSS only. That's pretty awesome, even though JavaScript had a similar implementation, which has, equal to "scroll-behavior: smooth", bad browser support. I hope browsers implement it fast and it performs good.

  • 2
    Isn't that already out there as a browser setting for almost a decade?
  • 1
    @JoshBent I don't know. But it's still bad supported.
  • 1
    @Divisionbyzero I mean the browser does a more smooth scroll itself, if the setting is set
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    @JoshBent I never heard of that. Also I am not sure, if we talk about the same thing. I was talking about scrolling/jumping to specific #ids by anchors.
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    @Divisionbyzero oh, indeed that's different things then, interesting, since as you said, that usually gets animated via js and seeing it getting adopted into css spec is great to see.
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