Trying to get away from Gmail, anyone know any email providers that respects privacy? Would prefer IMAP/POP access and an option (can be paid) to use my own domain.

Currently considering paying for ProtonMail.

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    Tutanota is great,

    Got a free account version and a pretty cool paid one
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    Protonmail < tutanota
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    Protonmail uses clientside encryption using two passwords, this allows only you to be able to view your emails. tutanota does not offer this ability.
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    i have an vps with postfix, dovecot and sogo. also https://posteo.de/en is an solution.
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    ++ for iRedmail
    @Condor you have 2VPSes for iRedmail?
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    But you just have iRedmail on one box right?
    I was about to do the same, but I was lazy and put it on my works Halon cluster instead :p
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    How do you sync incoming mails to both servers? :)
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    That is a good solution!
    Also, check out galera for MySQL clustering
  • 1
    @-vim- I second Tutanota. No pop or imap yet due to their custom crypto (which has been vetted by cryptographers and its good) but an awesome service, I've got a premium account myself!
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    @tacyarg Protonmail also allows for the use of only one password.
    tutanota encrypts client side!
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    Why not your own postfix server on some cheap raspberry pi? :)
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    Outlook premium or
    But whatever mail service you take, if u send a mail to a gmail account doesn’t matter your choice at all
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    Hosting from home? Most DHCP adresses is blacklisted
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    Because most internet connections to consumers do use DHCP.
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    oh.. allright then.. My IP hasn't changed in like 4 years (my parents' - in 20 years or so) so I assumed everyone has ability to use static IPs..
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    @netikras newer consumer contracts with isps have an disconnect around 0 - 5 o clock to prevent hosting stuff at home. sometimes you wont get even an public ip.
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    Using free Version of ProtonMail and its awesome. For IMAP you need to pay tho as far as I know
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    Sadly, that is not the reality. and if you would shut down the router for some hours it would probably change
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    @Linux this might not the case everywhere. It's probably DHCP-based in some areas by-default or for new customers. When I signed my ISP contract I ticket the checkbox for "static IP" and the IP had been assigned to me.

    The fact that I reside in a country listed in TOPs of countries with the fastest internet connection might also have something to do with it..
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    @Condor @netikras
    Probably, but this list would include you anyway;

    It is widely used so your delivery would have problems
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    @Linux [XXX.YYY.ZZZ.NN1/32] Not found in the database
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    Not yet ;)
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    @Condor @Linux @stop What vps provider would you recommend?
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    Personally, Upcloud. Or if you have much higher budget - the company that I work for :p
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    @Toshib-htr i am using a vps from netcup. the price is ok and theyre communication with errors is good(the ceo of the company said what they plan about the meltdown bugs and he us competent).
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