
Project Manager: You used a hash/salt to encrypt the password in our customer database?

Me: Yes.

Project Manager: That's mean we will not be able to see the password?

Me: That's the whole point. Why would you want to see what password customer is choosing?

Project Manager: Change it. Use random encryption method.

  • 39
    Should be illegal
  • 28
    I'd demand to keep strong crypto or fucking resign
  • 26
    Tell him no.
    If he flips out, leave and report the company.

    This should never be tolerated. Ever.
  • 12
    And then GDPR kicks in and fucks everybody out 😂
  • 6
    Get it in writing so you can cover your ass when shit inevitably hits the fan.
  • 4
    if resigning isnt an option, require an signed letter with this request and take it home. if anyone wants to piss you of about this you can show him the letter.
  • 5
    It's illegal if the service is offered in the EU :)
  • 3
  • 0
    The PM didn’t give you an answer when you asked why?

    There must be a good reason behind it 🤣
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