

Why THE FUCK does a game of poker need fucking blockchain?


  • 5
    Its the new buzz word right now
  • 13
    Person 1 : Sir I have a great IDEA that will help the society alot...

    Investors : meh

    Person 2 : So this is a todo app working on blockchain

    Investor : So the deal is done?
  • 7
    It's just an online poker site that, instead of letting you play with money or even Bitcoin, has its own cryptocurrency.

    But it's fancier saying Blockchain Secured Poker instead of Poker With Its Own Currency.
  • 2
    if it has blockchain it's automatically a billion dollar idea, DUH
  • 5
    As @fuck2code stated, backing a game of poker and especially your wins and losses with blockchain is actually a good idea..^^
  • 0
    @fuck2code But how would the random part of showing the next card be implemented? (thinking of an entirely Blockchain based game)
  • 1
    I'm gonna open up a blockchain cafe where we serve block chain espresso and shit. Then when that takes off I shall open up a adult toy store where we will have dildos and blockchain so you can chain blocks while you drink blockchain espresso shots and blockchain your girlfriend to our new blockchain bed...

    Doesn't make sense? Doesn't have to, I've said blockchain enough I'll have investors before the end of day just you wait and see!
  • 0
    Visibility of all hands played. Good to verify no company bias. Bad because it makes it easy to develop bots.
  • 0
    Well after reading your comments I have to reconsider... blockchain really has a valid reason to be there... Maybe I am just really polarized into thinking everything blockchain is bullshit, not being able to so its benefits when it's done correctly.
  • 1
    @norom to be fair, they put blockchain in the name to ride the hype tho
  • 0
    Apparently, it has very created. Check https://virtue.poker
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