I don't feel ready to search for jobs. I don't feel that coding is for me.

There is this guy that wanted to study physics and changed to System Information. He is more logical and rational than me. I'm too "emotional" to code, I get stressed easily when something isn't working.

I'm doing this because I wanted to challenge and prove myself that I could be more. I could have been a teacher, but I thought that it wasn't enough for me and I wanted to go further.

Every day I'm outside of my comfort zone and I don't know where this path will lead me and I'm scared and at the same time, I'm hoping for a happy end.

Maybe my brain is not made for coding, maybe it is more on the database side. But I'm sure of one thing: this year I'll give my best and everything at my current internship to get better at coding with Android Studio, Windows Form, Angular and React. My results will determine if I''m a good fit for coding.

Remember one thing: not everyone can easily learn how to code, but you will never know if you don't try it. Go out of your comfort zone in your life and you will meet a whole new world.

  • 1
    I have been trying for the past couple of years and I still can’t code. I’m broke, depressed and old. I need to download rockstar programmer’s brain.
  • 0
    @DLMousey I leardn Android Studio first because I wanted to make apps. So it was my choice. Then I heard about hibrid apps and decided to learn NativeScript, which uses Angular. At my internship my boss wanted us to learn Angular, but after 3 weeks decided that it wasn't "worth it " and wanted to do the whole project in CMD O_O (my supervisor convinced him to use Windows Forms + JSON). It's has been a wild ride this past few months.
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