
So I broke my beloved Fedora Dist. instead of doing a little "sudo chmod -R 754 ./" on a development folder, I did it on root folder ( / )
Now, OS crashed, and I'm getting infinite loops when booting.
But I'm not even mad. I'm impressed :o

  • 2
    You should be able to chroot into the installation and reinstall all the existing packages so you can maintain your configurations and so on.
  • 4
    sudo undo 🙏
  • 0
    @sheeponmeth although fixing isn't an issue, thank you for the suggestion !
  • 4
    No problem. A lot of people treat it like Windows and think a broken system has little hope to be repaired. My Arch system went belly up in the middle of a system wide upgrade, I just replaced all the packages in the cache after chrooting in, wasn't difficult at all.
  • 0
    I was hoping I'd make my own arch build soon, might be time for it
  • 0
    @glados Do it and use Btrfs. You can snapshot your filesystem so going back is as easy as a boot argument.
  • 0
    makes me think of the hosting company that had "sudo RM -rf . /" in their backup script they had a space between the . and the / and they lost everything including their backups because the backup drive was mounted by the script.
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