Hey, does anyone have some tips to learn programming faster? I have the problem that I often forget little things; /

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    Always take notes.
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    @rantsauce, no, he should do an exact opposite, no notes at all, no autocomplete.
    Everytime he forgets something, he has to open up browser, search... it all takes time - it's called stress for brain. And we all know how brain works. This method forces his brain to remeber those little things to avoid unnessery time loss and stress.
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    and do yoga
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    @SADAVA why not go back to your notes instead of searching everytime?
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    @rantsauce, the more time consumed for a simple task the nore stress for brain.
    @fuck2code, I agree, (read this with honour) we must have FULL control over machies!
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    @fuck2code good luck sshing in my computer
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    @fuck2code but then everyone can do it, firrst ssh then sudo rm -rf
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    I got the same problem xD I take notes and use whiteboards, it seems to help solidify the information imo.
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    Everyone learns in a different way. No advice about that can be given to someone you dont know.

    Ive taught programming to people so thats my experience on the matter.
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    It helps a lot to have a job that involves tasks that can be automated or improved with programming. Whatever programming I know is almost entirely because of my job as a Linux system administrator.

    If you work with spreadsheets for example, look into writing something that extends the functionality on your sheets. Google sheets interacts really well with web-based objects, for example.
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    Don't just read and copy-paste code from the tutorials / books, use what you have learned.
    I have also experienced this when learning for exams. It worked better with doing exercises instead of just reading from books or summaries.

    As good programming exercises you can use basically everything. Just think of something in real life and try to code the mechanisms.
    Good examples I do with apprentices at work are often some kind of media databases or order/delivery systems.
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    Repetition. Do it over and over and over and over until it's practically muscle memory. Always practice, always experiment. That's what works for me at least.
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    Yeah they only way to have things stick is to use it repetitively. It will take a while but eventually it will be there.

    Trust me, Google is your best friend in this department.
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    ... just do it. just code. practice will train up your brain to realize that "little things" are actually pretty important, and it will start treating them as such.

    also, try a challenge: any time before you run the new code, "run" it in your head, going line by line, doing what the code says (instead of what you intend it to say). then run it for real only after you (think) you know what the result is going to be.

    because learning is adjusting your outcome expectations to be concordant with reality. meaning it's hard to actually learn if you haven't formulated any outcome expectations in the first place.
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    oh, yes, @fermar7, that's a good one. we're often too lazy for that, but even stackoverflow can be a good source if you don't just copypaste, but read the code, understand it, and then re-type/re-write it in your own image. =D

    @Bootleg that one works for different part of the skillset. i used to doodle code even on paper, sometimes even those most repetitive boilerplate parts because i just wanted to feel like i'm writing "some code", without the mental strain of it having to actually be useful, or even entirely correct.

    that one trains your brain to remember syntax, and commands, and parameter orders better in the future, you can gradually choose to stop using intellisense as a crutch, and instead start using it as a pretty versatile learning tool.

    ... but the specifics of each language always fade, if you don't use it for some time, that's just how it is, i think =D
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