Me: Ambulance();

Still don't know what I did wrong 🤷

  • 7

    Wrong constructor!
  • 9
    new Ambulance();?
  • 2
    hahahaahaha, you are a python dev i recon :P ?
  • 7
    var ambulance = new Thread(Ambulance);

  • 7
    @HampusMa NullPointerException
  • 1
    @hack it's not Java though
  • 5
    $location = geoip();

    $call = Phone::getInstance()->dial(911);
    $call->when($call->engaged, fn($conversation) => $conversation->say("injured person at {$location->address}. Attempting to clear area while awaiting backup or further instructions."));
  • 1
    Nothing wrong.
  • 1
    Didn’t pass the patient and driver in init() 🤔
  • 0
    @Franboo but he should call the ambulance, not the other way around

    It should rather look like this:
  • 0
    @ladiesman why create a new ambulance object each time when you could preallocate a couple of ambulance objects in advance and then call one from that pool? That way, it'll also arrive faster, since it spends less time allocating resources in case of an emergency
  • 2
    Lest the man die before you guys debug😂.
    I meant in a fun manner
  • 6
    The patient died because we were too busy discussing the correct syntax.
  • 1
    He didnt ask you to call Ambulance, he asked you to window["an ambulance"]();
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