Just got a message on Facebook from a friend, asking me about getting into coding. A few seconds later, I see his status:

"Where do I download Javascript?"

I'm going to help this man.

  • 3
    Tell him ES5 is old hat and he needs to download the ES6 runtime. And to not forget to install Java as a dependency. Java + ECMA Script runtime = JavaScript. ;)
  • 3
    Just tell them to download it from Oracle, and if they ask about the name just say the shortened it for conscience sake
  • 3
    I actually directed him toward python. He was wanting to analyze survey data.
  • 1
    Direct the person to http://vanilla-js.com
  • 1
    If he wants to display survey data in a nice GUI direct him back to the web, I do not envy someone getting one of the cross platform GUI toolkits working...
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