
It's absolutely infuriating chasing overdue accounts. Seriously annoyed at the mo and need to dev rant.

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    as an ex freelancer i get your pain but i also thought about making an app to cover this problem.
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    @wildgoosecsharp I have an app that manages everything got me. Some clients are just a pain. :/
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    Just get an agreement with debt collectors?

    In Norway we have them collecting without any cost (their profit is pushed at the client)
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    Select clients as best you can. Maybe a small discount for early payment will help. At
    Some point you may need a good collection attorney.
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    I also have payment terms as follows:
    30% total upfront
    30% when we deem the project half finished
    40% + outstanding balance at project end

    If the client choose to pay it all at project end a 10% fee is added on top for our risk

    Also, any outstanding balance that is overdue by 10+ days is sent straight to collection.

    This is all about educating your client that when they get their invoices - yours is a priority for them as they all want to have good solidarity
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