
Angular2 rant..

It's in rc they said, write prod ready apps they said, it will be fun they said.. Arjziglfns.

just started rewriting for rc5 and modules, multiple declarations everywhere fml.


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    boy i made great choice choosing angular 1 then 😎
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    @randombug angular2 is "better" than angular1, but they went to rc way to early. Or as some called it - Router Crisis.
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    @yusijs i know but i don't this kind of headache :D
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    @randombug it's sad really cuz it's *really* good. They should've stayed in beta a little longer, but devs were leaving so they had to do something for them to come back!
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    I'm an Angular 1.x dev ! I absolutely love it's working & concepts ...m not sure why should I switch to Angular 2 ? Read about it and now this rant ...made me think that I made a gud choice..did I ?
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    @Vikram angular2 outperforms angular1 by miles, it has server rendering, shadow dom, and the cli to scaffold and build your app! Basically once it hits final it's the best choice. they have also said there will be no more breaking changes + final is right around the corner. Its a good time to learn 2, but dont think it can be used for prod apps. :)
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    @Vikram also if you're on 1.5 and using components, the switch wont be as bad! :-)
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