What's up with guys and girls using the 'def' word? It's like they're speaking Python.

guy: "sup babe. Wanna grab coffee later?"
girl: "def baby"

  • 4
    It's easier than typing out "definetely_ if it's not suggested by your keyboard after typing "def".
  • 4
    yeah they're defining a verbal function called baby, duh
  • 3
    she want to you to def a baby, BUT YOU NO UNDERSTAND
  • 0
    so def is ok, but that sup is cool .-.
  • 1
    I'd rather see Def than "definately" or "defiantly" out any of the other hideously abhorrent misspellings that the web has given birth to. Personally I tend to use "deffo" in that context anyway; I have no idea why.
  • 0
    def lmao
  • 0
    dat how you have fun(ction)
  • 0
    If someone answers with a def statement, shouldn't they follow with other statements also?
    It wouldn't make sense on its own right?
    I don't know python.
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