How to start learning iot?i mean, here is what i understood after searching for a while: iot consists usually the hardware devices/sensors/robos which generate data/do something ; transmit this data to some server where calculations are performed and then show it to user.. And there are some kits worth a big amount which you gotta buy... is that all right?
Guidance please .:)

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    What do you want to learn specifically? I think the best way to experiment with iot is a raspberry pi if you do not know where to start.
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    @Noren @teganburns yeah i tried with an arduino uno with Bluetooth in my internship. Actually my task was to create a custom Bluetooth app so i got to use that UNO IDE to a small amount.
    But what next?how to get more info about the working of uno,its connections in general? I also heard about tool kits and cloud connectivity... Can you point me to some resources regarding this?
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