I reall want a dev friend but Im 14 and there is no one I know that wants to be or is a dev...

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    Create a meetup group and see, you may find an army of devs.
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    @Phippsaurus I just really want to have a beard xD
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    Visit local events, hackathons, etc.
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    @alanturingisgod I live in Croatia so there is nothing like that xD... I wish there was tho
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    @Koppaster Umm.. are you sure? I live in Moldova which is a way smaller country than Croatia (I don't even think you've ever heard of Moldova) but still there are some events like that. Also there is the Olympiad of Informatics if you're into competitive programming.
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    @alanturingisgod actually I now a ton of countries so of course I heard of Moldova😁. I will check if there is anything, and there was a school competition in informatics but my retarded teacher forgot to tell my whole class so I didnt know that there was a competition till it already ended....
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